Mecc Alte's Power Products division boasts a flexible and state-of-the art production facility and in-house R&D design to deliver the X-Type Series, a dedicated range of Medium and High Voltage alternators.
Working alongside our customers, our specialist division provides extensive support and cross industry experience to create customised power solutions. We guarantee peace of mind through proven reliability and consistent performance.
Located close to Mecc Alte Group’s headquarters in Vicenza, Italy, the factory is designed to allow flexible production to cope with the ever-changing demands of the power sector. This allows capacity to flex as required and support rapid delivery times. Our comprehensive test facilities which can be used for witness test of machines upon request, allows us to design, test and produce alternators which deliver maximum performance, high efficiencies and improved cost advantages.
Delivering peace of mind for every customer
Our Medium and High voltage range, the X-Type Series, features several products and enables customers to select the right product for their power demand.
Our commitment to excellence brings us ever closer to our customers and enables us to extend complete peace of mind to them with our exclusive Mecc Alte Lifecycle Services provide flexible options across the lifetime of the product along with upgrade specifications according to individual application.
We focus on Medium Voltage and High Voltage Output Alternators for power generation and, in addition, produce synchronous, PMG and asynchronous generators for hydropower applications.
Mecc Alte’s Power Products Division combines its electromechanical experience and close customer relationships, to offer the latest technologies and materials within its Medium and High Voltage product range.
As pioneers of true Class H+ Insulation system, we’re very proud that this is now accepted as an industry standard.
For more information on our Medium & High Voltage Alternators, contact us here.
Our high voltage alternators documentations

All of our high voltage output alternators are designed to meet the applications they serve and the core design structure allows simple and full customisation to match exact demands. With a reinforced mechanical structure giving superior mechanical resistance, oversized terminal boxes, market-matched power nodes use new innovation, the latest materials and a fresh commercial approach in a market that has always been highly traditional by nature.

4 Poles medium and high voltage brushless synchronous alternator
Ratings from 800 kVA up to 1300 kVA *
50/60Hz - 1500 / 1800 rpm
Axle height 400mm
Medium and high voltage up to 13.8 kV
Insulation system class H, based on Epoxy resin and Mica tapes, VPI process
IP23 protection, upon request up to IP45
IC01 cooling
Single bearing with SAE flange 1 – 0 – 00 and disc coupling SAE 14 – 18 – 21
Double bearing B3B14, SAE flange 0
Digital voltage regulator DER2 as standard (different AVRs upon request)
A vast choice of accessories and configurations for your projects
(*) @ 50Hz / cl.H / 40°C /PF0.8, referred to a 11kV unit

4 Poles medium and high voltage brushless synchronous alternator
Ratings from 1300 kVA up to 2500 kVA *
50/60Hz - 1500 / 1800 rpm
Axle height 500mm
Medium and high voltage up to 13.8 kV
Insulation system class H, based on Epoxy resin and Mica tapes, VPI process
IP23 protection, upon request up to IP45
IC01 cooling
Single bearing with SAE flange 0-00 and disc coupling SAE 18-21
Double bearing B3B14, SAE flange 00
Digital voltage regulator DER2 as standard (different AVRs upon request)
A vast choice of accessories and configurations for your projects
(*) @ 50Hz / cl.H / 40°C /PF0.8, referred to a 11kV unit

4 Poles medium and high voltage brushless synchronous alternator
Ratings from 2500 kVA up to 4000 kVA *
50/60Hz - 1500 / 1800 rpm
Axle height 560mm
Medium and high voltage up to 13.8 kV
Insulation system class H, based on Epoxy resin and Mica tapes, VPI process
IP23 protection, upon request up to IP45
IC01 cooling
Single bearing with SAE flange 00 and disc coupling SAE 18-21
Double bearing B3B14, SAE flange 00
Digital voltage regulator DER2 as standard (different AVRs upon request)
A vast choice of accessories and configurations for your projects
(*) @ 50Hz / cl.H / 40°C /PF0.8, referred to a 11kV unit

4 Poles medium and high voltage brushless synchronous alternator
Ratings from 4000 kVA up to 5000 kVA *
50/60Hz - 1500 / 1800 rpm
Axle height 630mm
Medium and high voltage up to 13.8 kV
Insulation system class H, based on Epoxy resin and Mica tapes, VPI process
IP23 protection
IC01 cooling
Double bearing B3B14, SAE flange 00
Single bearing upon request with SAE flange 00 and disc coupling SAE 18-21
Digital voltage regulator DER2 as standard (different AVRs upon request)
A vast choice of accessories and configurations for your projects
(*) @ 50Hz / cl.H / 40°C /PF0.8, referred to a 11kV unit

Mecc Alte Power Products
Via Melaro, 2
36075 Montecchio Maggiore, Vicenza - ITALY
Tel. +39 0444 1831295
Fax. +39 0444 1831306