美奥迪电源产品在位于意大利维琴察的 5,000m² 新场地中制造,该场地靠近美奥迪集团的总部。在专门建造的现代化工厂中,2,500m² 的装配区采用了最新的生产方法和技术,以确保产品质量始终处于业界前列。工厂采用了以客户为中心的理念,旨在实现灵活的生产,以应对所服务市场不断变化的需求。工厂可以根据要求进行灵活变化,并支持结构化协议和快速交付。该工厂拥有独立的综合测试设备,可用于根据要求对机器进行见证测试。这一切均通过 800m² 的研究设计中心的专业技术人员来支持完成。
美奥迪电源产品部门整合了我们自 1947 年以来累计的机电专业知识,以提供从 1–5,000kVA 的一系列高品质的低压、中压和高压解决方案。我们的产品设计源于市场需求,并使用了最新的技术和材料。借助我们在该领域的经验和专家团队,我们从零开始,根据客户需求为其打造量身定制的产品系列。


4 Poles medium and high voltage brushless synchronous alternator
Ratings from 800 kVA up to 1300 kVA *
50/60Hz - 1500 / 1800 rpm
Axle height 400mm
Medium and high voltage up to 13.8 kV
Insulation system class H, based on Epoxy resin and Mica tapes, VPI process
IP23 protection, upon request up to IP45
IC01 cooling
Single bearing with SAE flange 1 – 0 – 00 and disc coupling SAE 14 – 18 – 21
Double bearing B3B14, SAE flange 0
Digital voltage regulator DER2 as standard (different AVRs upon request)
A vast choice of accessories and configurations for your projects
(*) @ 50Hz / cl.H / 40°C /PF0.8, referred to a 11kV unit

4 Poles medium and high voltage brushless synchronous alternator
Ratings from 1300 kVA up to 2500 kVA *
50/60Hz - 1500 / 1800 rpm
Axle height 500mm
Medium and high voltage up to 13.8 kV
Insulation system class H, based on Epoxy resin and Mica tapes, VPI process
IP23 protection, upon request up to IP45
IC01 cooling
Single bearing with SAE flange 0-00 and disc coupling SAE 18-21
Double bearing B3B14, SAE flange 00
Digital voltage regulator DER2 as standard (different AVRs upon request)
A vast choice of accessories and configurations for your projects
(*) @ 50Hz / cl.H / 40°C /PF0.8, referred to a 11kV unit

4 Poles medium and high voltage brushless synchronous alternator
Ratings from 2500 kVA up to 4000 kVA *
50/60Hz - 1500 / 1800 rpm
Axle height 560mm
Medium and high voltage up to 13.8 kV
Insulation system class H, based on Epoxy resin and Mica tapes, VPI process
IP23 protection, upon request up to IP45
IC01 cooling
Single bearing with SAE flange 00 and disc coupling SAE 18-21
Double bearing B3B14, SAE flange 00
Digital voltage regulator DER2 as standard (different AVRs upon request)
A vast choice of accessories and configurations for your projects
(*) @ 50Hz / cl.H / 40°C /PF0.8, referred to a 11kV unit

4 Poles medium and high voltage brushless synchronous alternator
Ratings from 4000 kVA up to 5000 kVA *
50/60Hz - 1500 / 1800 rpm
Axle height 630mm
Medium and high voltage up to 13.8 kV
Insulation system class H, based on Epoxy resin and Mica tapes, VPI process
IP23 protection
IC01 cooling
Double bearing B3B14, SAE flange 00
Single bearing upon request with SAE flange 00 and disc coupling SAE 18-21
Digital voltage regulator DER2 as standard (different AVRs upon request)
A vast choice of accessories and configurations for your projects
(*) @ 50Hz / cl.H / 40°C /PF0.8, referred to a 11kV unit
Mecc Alte Power Products
Via Melaro, 2
36075 Montecchio Maggiore, Vicenza - ITALY
Tel. +39 0444 1831295
Fax. +39 0444 1831306
Email: info@meccalte.it