
Mecc Alte Alternators PTY LTD
10 Duncan Road, PO Box 1046
Dry Creek, 5094, South Australia
Tel. +61 (0)8 8349 8422
Fax. +61 (0)8 8349 8455
Email: info@meccalte.com.au
Mecc Alte Alternator (Nantong) Ltd
755 Nanhai East Rd,
Jiangsu Nantong HEDZ 226100
People's Republic of China
Tel. +86 513-82325758
Fax . +86 513-82325768
Email: info@meccalte.cn

Mecc Alte Generatoren GmbH
Bucher Hang 2
D-87448 Waltenhofen
Tel. +49 (0)831 540755 0
Email: info@meccalte.de

Mecc Alte España S.A.
C/ Rio Taibilla, 2
Polig. Ind. Los Valeros
03178 Benijofar (Alicante)
Tel. 096/6702152 Fax 096/6700103
Email: info@meccalte.es

Far East
Mecc Alte (F.E.) PTE LTD
10V Enterprise Road, Enterprise 10
Singapore 627679
Tel. +65 62 657122 Fax +65 62 653991
Email: info@meccalte.com.sg

Mecc Alte International S.A.
Z.E.La Gagnerie
16330 ST.Amant De Boixe
Tel. 0545/397562 Fax 0545/398820
Email: info@meccalte.fr

Mecc Alte India PVT LTD
Plot No.1, Talegaon Dhamdhere S.O.,
Taluka: Shirur, District: Pune – 412208
Maharashtra, INDIA
Tel. +91 2137 673200
Fax +91 2137 673299
Email: info@meccalte.in

United Kingdom
Mecc Alte U.K. LTD
6 Lands' End Way
Oakham Rutland
Tel. +44 1572/771160 Fax +44 1572/771161
Email: info@meccalte.co.uk

U.S.A. and Canada
Mecc Alte Inc.
1229 Adams Drive
McHenry, IL, 60051
Tel. 815/344-0530 Fax 815/344-0535
Email: info@meccalte.us
Mecc Alte SpA
Via Roma, 20
36051 Creazzo, Vicenza - ITALY
Tel. +39 0444 396111
Fax. +39 0444 396166
Email: info@meccalte.it

Mecc Alte Portable
Via A. Volta, 1
37038 Soave, Verona - ITALY
Tel. +39 045 6173411
Fax. +39 045 6101880

Mecc Alte Power Products
Via Melaro, 2
36075 Montecchio Maggiore, Vicenza - ITALY
Tel. +39 0444 1831295
Fax. +39 0444 1831306

Via Enrico Mattei, 2
37040 Bevilacqua, Verona - ITALY
Tel. +39 0442 642338
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