The World's Largest Independent Producer of Alternators 1 - 5,000kVA

AMPS Skills and Training Provider Winner 2022

Mecc Alte UK receive an award at the recent AMPS Awards for Excellence for their contribution to skills and training


The increasing need for power generation is not going away, in fact, our global energy consumption is higher than ever. Yet, like our customers and the wider industry, we are experiencing a reduction in the number of people who see manufacturing and STEM as possible careers.  

Here at Mecc Alte, we believe that we have a responsibility to not only support our industry by providing expertise and skills in areas where there are current shortages, but also support end users and engineers within the wider power generation sectors. Whilst simultaneously trying to inspire the younger generation to consider a career in power generation to enable a resilient workforce for the future. 

We are currently taking a three-point approach: 

  • Supporting our existing clients - Throughout the year we have been delivering training in our in-house training facility to OEM generator manufacturers not only from the UK but also from Scandinavia and other countries such as the UAE. 
  • Empowering the younger generation - We're partnering with schools and raising awareness of the opportunities that are available to bring engineering and manufacturing to demographics such as young women and people of colour, that would otherwise not have any engagement with the industry.  
  • Sharing expertise with the industry - At Mecc Alte, we see it as our responsibility to ensure that those just starting out or developing their careers are confident about providing a competent power generation service to their customers. We are working to upskill apprentices and junior engineers so that when they are on-site, they are equipped and ready to handle situations with confidence. 

As the leading independent manufacturer of alternators, we believe that it’s vital we step up and play our part in a fully functioning power generation ecosystem that includes all stakeholders, so that we can best serve the current and future demands of our markets.  

We are delighted to have been recognised in the AMPS Awards for Excellence for our contribution so far to skills and training in the industry.


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